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5 votes

Are questions asking the translation of a complex sentence acceptable?

Translation of complex phrases, insofar as they can be answered in an answer of acceptable length, should always be welcome. When it comes to translations that are a paragraph, several sentences or ...
Charlotte SL's user avatar
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2 votes

Are questions asking the translation of a complex sentence acceptable?

For my part, complicated and difficult questions should be welcomed. For many of the easy ones, the asker could have just as easily checked a dictionary, PMEG, or Wikipedia.
Tomaso Alexander's user avatar
1 vote

Are questions asking the translation of a complex sentence acceptable?

Fortunately for us someone has gotten a little spammy and asked about paragraphs in multiple other language groups on SE.
esperblue's user avatar
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1 vote

Are questions asking the translation of a complex sentence acceptable?

For me, it is all about atomicity of meaning. Can we seperate the question into different questions without changing the sum of information? If t(part a + part b) != t(part a) + t(part b) then t(part ...
Vanege's user avatar
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