The Akademio de Esperanto (AdE, website, Wikipedia) seems to be the linguistic authority for the Esperanto language.
On its wiki, the Akademio publishes "elektitaj respondoj" (selected answers) of its "Lingva Konsultejo" (language consultation place) together with the corresponding questions. The "Lingva Konsultejo" seems to be a service of the Akademy, where they answer non-trivial questions sent by email or snail mail about Esperanto and its proper usage.
Here's the lists of their Q&A selections so far:
Would these questions and answers be suitable for Esperanto Language Stack Exchange?
If yes, should we try to get these questions and answers onto Esperanto Language Stack Exchange? If so, how?
Should we ask the Akademy for permission to copy them here? (Of course with proper attribution and link back to the respective pages of their wiki.)
Should we try to get the Akademy to repost them themselves (i.e. under the Akademy's name, or that of Akademy members)? (Again with attribution and backlinks)
- Should we try to get the original question authors to repost their selected questions here and to get the Akademy to repost the corresponding answers?
(We probably cannot legally repost the questions and answers without explicit permissions, as the wiki states no license and as the scope would IMHO go beyond what's covered by quoting fair use rights.)
Important notice
Please refrain from reposting those questions and answers on Stack Exchange in full, until we have explicit permission to do so. Of course, feel free to cite and quote them (with proper attribution), as you would any other proprietary source.